
Forgive, because those who have hurt you are oblivious to the depth of what they have done. Living my life I always wondered, why is it so easy to get offended but so difficult, nearly impossible to forgive? I see it similar to our diet – it is so easy to eat the junk foodContinueContinue reading “Forgiveness”

Cactus love

My heart has been heavy in the last few months carrying the pain of betrayal. I have not experienced it to this extend before and it was bone crushing painful. The feeling is very similar to rejection, yet it lingered for much longer and hurt deeper. It was like a punch that I did notContinueContinue reading “Cactus love”

the Ink. the blood. the Jesus.

As promised, here is the part two of the Suffering blog found below. It is not easy for me to write, as I know there may be judgement for this decision of mine from some. We all have different ways we look at things and I just ask that if you are opposed of whatContinueContinue reading “the Ink. the blood. the Jesus.”

Cycles of Suffering

I have been collecting my thoughts in regards to this post for many months now. I am not sure where to start, but as always I just want to pour out my heart and share my feelings and lessons learned. This will be a two-part blog (second part is called the Ink. the blood. theContinueContinue reading “Cycles of Suffering”

Is it OK to be Angry with God?

I was at a counseling session sometime back dealing with the issue of forgiveness towards my father, when my counselor said: ” Dasha, God picked your father for you, what do you think about that?”. Immediately I was short of breath, I could not believe the amount of anger that stirred up inside of meContinueContinue reading “Is it OK to be Angry with God?”

1 step forward, 10 steps back…still gets you ahead!

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. (Isaiah 41:10) Two days ago, while in a kick boxing class the inspiration to pour my heart out on this subject came withoutContinueContinue reading “1 step forward, 10 steps back…still gets you ahead!”

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